8808 Anklin Forrest Drive
Waxhaw, NC 28173 (Charlotte, NC Area)
Contact: Office: 704-243-3222
Mobile: 541.292.3802

Donald Ayers
Ayers Transformer Consulting LLC provides services to the users and manufacturers of power transformers used in the utility, industrial, construction and transit industries. Particular areas of experience include transformer core form design from 75 kVA, 30 kV BIL to 200+ MVA, 1050 kV BIL in both rectangular and circular configurations. Specific transformer types and applications include substation, unit subs, padmount, grounding transformers, rectifier transformers, phase-shifting transformers, wind and solar energy units, harmonic loaded, retrofit applications, autotransformers, step-up transformers and motor starting transformers. Services offered include transformer specification development, design reviews, in-process inspections, factory test witness, product installation supervision, manufacturer compliance auditing, design optimization, failure analysis, repair options and expert testimony.